Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 295

The makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll for October 28, 2013

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past six years. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

Soup or salad?
If the soup’s vegetarian, then soup; otherwise, salad…with the dressing on the side.

When was the last time you went to a haunted house?
It was a dark and stormy night back in 2010…

Ha! មិន​ប្រាកដ​ទេ។ Well, it was in 2010. It was at a Halloween ball held on an old decommissioned aircraft carrier called the USS Hornet in Alameda (The Monster’s Ball). They turned the ship’s innards into a haunted house.

Very spooky… whenever we turned one of the tight corners in the bowels of the ship and something popped out of the shadows, I screamed, haha!

Are there any bargain appeal gets you’ve been recommending to all your friends?
Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Body Butter, babe! best $4.99 you’ll ever spend (well, maybe one of the best).

For a big event, would you rather have your makeup professionally done, or do it yourself?
Honestly, even though I think I could manage it myself, I’d rather have it done. It’s one less thing to worry about, ya know?

Pumpkin spice lattes: yes or no?
YES! double yes. I’m craving one ideal now.


Where would you like to see yourself this time next year?
I would like there to be a new addition to our little family, or to have a baby on the way. Also, to have done a lot more things with our condo to make it a lot more comfortable (it’s only been three years, le sigh…) and to have struck a better work-life balance.

That’s one of the downsides to blogging, to be honest. It’s easy to go overboard and lose track of time. pretty soon it’s 10 p.m. and you’re still taking pictures. happens all the time.

Nudes or brights?

You get to build a four-pan eyeshadow palette for a weekend vacation using any colors from any brands. What do you put in it?
MAC Soft Brown, MAC Brun, MAC Woodwinked and NARS night Star.


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Last meal you had outdoors?
Hmm… I think it was two weeks ago. El Hub and I had late lunch at Blue Barn Marin in Corte Madara.

វា​ពិតជា​ល្អ។ There was a band, and we just sat there and took pleasure in one of the last warmish days for a while.

What makeup do you wear when you want to look fresh-faced?
I’ll fill in my brows, curl my lashes, and coat them with a layer or two of mascara. Then, I’ll normally apply MAC Strobe cream all over my face, a bit of foundation, under-eye concealer and lip balm. That about does it.

Now it’s your turn. just copy and paste the following questions into a comment with your answers. I look forward to reading ’em!

1. Soup or salad?
2. When was the last time you went to a haunted house?
3. What’s a bargain appeal get you recommend to your friends?
4. For a big event, would you rather have your makeup done or would you like to do your own makeup?
5. Pumpkin spice lattes: yes or no?
6. Where would you like to see yourself this time next year?
7. Nudes or brights?
8. You get to build a four-pan eyeshadow palette for a weekend vacation using any colors from any brands. What do you put in it?
9. Last meal you had outdoors?
10. how do you do your makeup when you want a fresh-faced look?

Thought you might take pleasure in this: Sonicaid music to inspire positive Thinking.

It’s not drum circle or whale mating music or anything too out there (not that there’s anything wrong with that). mostly just soothing instrumental piano that’s meant to improve alpha and beta brainwave activity, which is meant to aid creativity and relaxation.

I’ve been listening to it all morning long (happy Monday, by the way) and feeling really positive about the day.


I hope it helps you, too.



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